Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Black Histry Field Trip

February was Black History Month, and to celebrate we took a field trip to The Black History Museum & Cultural Center of Virginia, in Richmond. This was an extra special field trip because it was planned and organized by my dear hubby. And he took off work and drove us! Here are some pictures of our outing.

The front of the museum...

One of the first things I noticed when walking into the museum was this quilt. It was donated by the Sisters of the Yam Quilters Guild and was to be raffled off. I could see this breath taking quilt hanging in my living room, too bad I didn't win.

We walked in the museum just behind another home school family and was able to take the guided tour together. Here is our tour guide talking to the group. The museum features history from the Jackson Ward community of Richmond, which was a "city within a city".

They have a portion of the Woolworth's counter where black students staged a sit-in until they were served.

The sewing machine and iron displayed reminded me of my Grandmother's.

Here is Nicole paying attention to the tour guide...

This was painted by someone who had traced his family history.

Gene reading about Rev. John Jasper and the churches in Jackson Ward...

There was a quilt that represents the slaves on board a slave ship, you will have to click on the picture to get a closer look.

We forgot to ask what these hanging things are, I think it is tobacco, but not sure. I did like the little log cabin. That would be a nice project for Gene and Nicole to make one.

This was cool, the wall hanging was made out of wood.

They have the shoe shine kit and a tuxedo of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, I took a picture of the display, but it didn't come out well.

The gift shop had beautiful handmade beaded jewelry, the kids saw them and called me over. I saw a purse I wanted, but it was way to small for me - I need a bucket kind of purse.

After we left the museum we headed to The Croaker's Spot restaurant for lunch. The wait was LONG, but the food was good, we were all ready for a nice long nap after lunch!

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