Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Award Night

Friday night was the AWANA Award Night for the kids. It was wonderful to see so many kids learning about the Lord, and excited about the year in AWANA. I didn't take any pictures at the award ceremony, for some reason my camera doesn't like inside the gym so we took pictures after we returned home.

Nicole received a certificate for attendance and participation. Here she is holding up her certificate.

Gene completed Book 1, which means he memorized 32 Bible verses, and was able to say all 32 at "testing" time! Here is Gene holding up his award.

Saturday we all headed to Richmond, Lindsay (my niece) wanted to take the kids to a "Fun Day" sponsored by her employer. So while they enjoyed the fun day activities and being with Lindsay, Eric and I had a date afternoon. We had lunch at Famous Dave's, then headed to the movies to see Ironman. Of course Famous Dave's was scrumptious, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie, and I always love spending time alone with my dear hubby. A marvelous time was had by all!

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