Thursday, July 10, 2008

This and That

I posted pictures of the kids completed lapbook for Unit 3 in Tapestry of Grace yesterday, I failed to mention that we are half way finished with Unit 4 and Gene just started working on his new lapbook this week, Nicole hasn't started hers yet. I usually get the three file folders all folded and glued for them, got around to that today; well I did the folding, and only glued one! I'm not the "on top of things" Mom when it comes to this portion of our studies!

I've been contemplating not using the file folders in our lapbooks, but instead use card stock paper and then take everything to Office Depot and have them bind the book for me. There has been an interesting discussion on the Tapestry e-mail group about a binding machine, but I'm not sure that I will use it enough to get my moneys worth out of it.

Here is another thought I had, use the card stock paper, any color will do, three hole punch the paper add the the mini book and slip everything into a 1" (or smaller) binder. You could even use four dividers to separate (in our case) the four units. Simple and expandable. What do you think?

Gene has been going to a wonderful eye doctor, great with kids, no pressure, little to no wait, friendly staff who don't mind helping their customers, but they no longer accept the insurance. I have been having a hard time trying to find another eye doctor, I sent out a SOS to two of my local home school groups, and finally the boy has an appointment! His appointment is set for Tuesday to get his eye exam and new glasses!

Have you ever started a work out schedule and stopped for vacation and had a hard time getting back into the routine? Well, that is exactly where I am! I stopped working out the day before we left for Florida, I did manage to walk with my mother one day while on vacation. Since we returned from our trip, I've been shaky - I had no intentions of working out the week we returned, the next week(s), I managed to lay out my gym clothes, thinking this would motivate me - didn't work, I FINALLY managed to get my hips up out of my cozy bed last Thursday morning, and just walked on my treadmill. This week, I was able to do my normal walk/run intervals on the treadmill everyday except today. I'm making progress, right! Today the kids and I walk in the neighborhood, which is just under three miles. Do you remember when you didn't even think about your weight? Argh!

I did manage to pass up getting ice cream when I went to the grocery store this week, ONLY because they didn't have my favorite Ben & Jerry's ice cream! Boy do I need a remedial course with First Place, Weight Watchers or something. Pray for me, I really need it, and especially when it comes to making better choices with food.

There is good news, a few weeks we joined the YMCA! I'm really excited about this, we are getting a brand spanking new Y, the grand opening will be September 1! We had a Y membership a few years ago, the problem was it was not all that close to the old house, the new one will be less than 15 minutes from my house. Woo Who!!

Eric has decided to ride his mountain bike into work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This past Tuesday was his first day, the drive by car is 10 minutes from door to door, it took him around an hour to make it. He was loaded down with all his stuff - clothes, shoes, towel and other stuff crammed into his back pack. When he got on base he saw another rider doing his health and wellness, so Eric thought he would try to catch up with him. My dear hubby said he saw the other rider stand up, so he knew he was tired - it is on now! Not only did he catch the rider, but he also passed the guy. Eric's load was a little lighter after that! LOL

Today it took him 45 minutes to ride to work, I need to let you know that he is going through the woods in some areas to avoid the busy and dangerous roads just out from our sub-division, he is fortunate to be able to cross a four lane highway at a traffic light that lead him directly on base. I will try to have the camera ready when he comes home this afternoon. He looks so cute in his bike gear!

The pictures of the Tiger lilies are from my yard, and the Lily of the Nile shots were taken in Florida, I don't think I'd ever seen this flower before, then I saw some in a magazine my mother had, I think they are very pretty, and hopefully I can get some to plant here.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Sounds like your lap books are becomming scrap books. Have you heard of Scrapbooking to learn, or notebooking? You are there. I cop out and do that to to prevent from commiting to a one-themed lapbook. Enjoy.

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